OpenACC Organization
OpenACC Organization is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping the research and developer community advance science by expanding their accelerated and parallel computing skills. We have 3 areas of focus: participating in computing ecosystem development, providing training and education on programming models, resources and tools, and developing the OpenACC specification.
Computing Ecosystem Development
Our Organization works with language standards committees and strives for performance interoperability. We contribute aggregated lessons learned and direct feedback to help guide discussions and development within the ecosystem that benefits the community.
Training and Education
OpenACC is the proud founder of the leading Hackathon series, Open Hackathons. Our events have been instrumental in training thousands of domain experts and accelerating over 550 scientific applications using a variety of programming models and tools across universities, research and HPC centers, and industry around the world.
OpenACC Specification
For over 10 years the organization has been a trailblazer in developing and disseminating the first high-level directives-based programming model for high performance computing for CPUs, GPUs and a variety of accelerators. to the world the 1st high-level directives-based programming model for high performance computing for CPUs, GPUs and a variety of accelerators. Today, over 400 applications use the OpenACC specification for portability and performance.
Conduct and Governance
The organization is run by academic and industry members in collaboration with the OpenACC User Community.
All community members, partners, vendors and suppliers are expected to adhere to the OpenACC organization's Code of Conduct.
OpenACC Board of Directors
The OpenACC board of directors serves as the governing body of the organization and focuses on the organization’s mission, strategy, and goals. Learn more about our the members of our Board of Directors.
Membership Benefits
Members of the OpenACC organization include commercial, government, and academic organizations who value access to benefits OpenACC has to offer including:
- Drive the OpenACC specification by setting directions and development priorities, as well as brainstorming new features with the technical team
- Influence the overall development of the organization and the user community
- Opportunity to collaborate with fellow members and build relationships with OpenACC experts and technical developers that shape the specification
- Members receive first consideration when scheduling on-site training events
- Members receive increased exposure through OpenACC and members’ outreach activities
Membership Levels
Permanent and Auxiliary - $10,000 in year one and $5,000 in subsequent years.
Academic - $900 a year
Become a member
We always welcome new members! To join the OpenACC organization please read the OpenACC Bylaws document and email a signed copy of the membership agreement to
- OpenACC Bylaws
- OpenACC Membership Agreement
- OpenACC Membership Agreement for State Academic Institution
For membership questions email
Board of Directors

Duncan Poole, NVIDIA

Thomas Schulthess, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS)

Dan Jacobson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

Sunita Chandrasekaran, University of Delaware

Guido Juckeland, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)

David Lecomber, Arm
Corporate Officers

Jack Wells, NVIDIA

Barbara Chapman, HPE

Daniel Howard, NCAR Computational & Information Services Laboratory (CISL)

Julia Levites, NVIDIA

Izumi Barker, NVIDIA
Committee Officers

Jeff Larkin, NVIDIA

Joel Denny, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Sunita Chandrasekaran, University of Delaware

Izumi Barker, NVIDIA